Incidents in the past 24 hours

  • Three pet store owners have contacted the authorities after they were offered food for their reptiles which they believed to be suspicious. The suspect pulled handfuls of dead rodents out of a bag and said they were welcome to feed them to their snakes. When challenged by the store owners, the suspect threw a mouse at them and fled the scene.
  • A large legal firm had their offices attacked by vandals. Local law enforcement were dispatched to deal with the incident. A significant amount of vandalism had been caused to the main entrance of the building. The perpetrators were angry that the legal firm had failed to adequately defend them in court and had failed to prove that they weren’t capable of violence.
  • A major investigation has been launched into large scale fraud that appears to have occurred in a local government office. It appears an individual – or individuals – has been embezzling funds via orders for stationery equipment. Instead of providing new equipment, the perpetrator was collecting used stationery out of the trash and selling it back to the municipal government.